Friday, March 30, 2012

iBooks Author Review

by Steve Paris 0Comments Are digital interactive textbooks and the means to create them finally here?

Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, and even Apple’s iBooks have been working on moving us away from reading physical books and toward embracing the digital revolution. But until now, there was very little to convince us just how good an idea this could be, since digital books look very much like their real-world counterparts, right down to the page-turning effect.

You can save a lot of weight if you tend to carry a few books with you, but no title appeared to offer the limitless potential of a truly digital book, something more akin to what you can achieve with apps, for instance.

Now Apple wants to help users achieve that limitless potential, with the free content-creation application iBooks Author. It aims to revolutionize modern textbooks by bringing interactivity to the learning experience. Not only can you add images to your pages, the reader can zoom in or out of them. You can insert Keynote slides, and embed movies that can be viewed inside a page or full screen. It’s even possible to create short quizzes to test your readers’ knowledge retention.

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