Monday, April 30, 2012

TMCnet's Online Project Management Week in Review

combines a familiar spreadsheet-like interface with file sharing, automated workflows and reminders, and a sophisticated project management features such as Gantt charts, dependencies and sub-tasks.”

Making Google Drive compatible with the new online project management system streamlines the storage process. “Now, Google Drive makes this easier as a single place to store all your files and access them from anywhere,” said Mark Mader, CEO of Smartsheet. “We’re very excited about this deeper level of integration and the increased convenience it delivers to our customers.”

Read the full report here.

Meanwhile, the State of Utah’s Division of Facilities and Construction Management (DFCM) decided to use AssetWorks, AiM Capital Project Management, to be in charge of all the construction and capital planning initiatives throughout the state.

This new management system will be in charge of almost 500 projects, which total over $1 billion. Gregg Buxton, DFCM’s director said, “AiM Capital Project Management will allow us to break down organizational silos by providing a single solution and a single authoritative database for all DFCM employees. It’s all about shared resources. For instance, our Construction Division can pinpoint warranty information that can save our Facilities Division time and labor downstream.”

It’s important to stay on top of these projects because many of them require paperwork to be completed before, during, and after construction. This will help the state stay on top of everything going on statewide from a single interface. The AiM Capital Project Management has been helping the DFCM improve in both accuracy and speed of reporting projects.

Read more of Carolyn J Dawson’s report here.

Mini Swamy, reported that Project Management Software, a mid-market solution for managing projects will be allowing for multiple people and project management.

“Project Insight, a mid-market solution for managing projects, offers data migration of Basecamp data into products and creates a solid foundation for intelligent scheduling and a robust work breakdown structure,” reported Swamy. Project Insight allows for extraction of data from a Basecamp system and migrate it to Project Insight, which will apply enhanced tools to allow for schedule, allocating, and collaborating with multiple people and projects at the same time.

The company is offering a promotion where the first 100 migrations come at no cost. However, as we all know well most people will be transferring more than 100 migrations between them. According to Swamy, further migrations cost around $1400.

Read the rest of the report here.

Lastly, since online project management deals with multiple people it’s good to have a issue management or a help section available for users, Susan J. Campbell, TMCnet Contributing Editor, gave some tips to users helping them find the right solution to support issue tracking.

Campbell said, “It’s easy to see at first glance that some project management solutions may offer a valued approach in the management of projects, especially when the key focus is scheduling, resource tracking, reporting or other elements of the project,” said Campbell. “Without built-in issue tracking, the project management solution falls short. In fact, it’s possible the solution could even create more issues than it should be designed to prevent.”

Some of Campbell’s tips include: making sure the online project management’s built in tracking is there to help you; there is a resolution process, and the capability to manage all projects within the same location.

Read more of Campbell’s tips here.

Don’t forget to keep checking TMCnet all week to see the latest in Online Project Management.

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