Monday, June 18, 2012

Amazon Outage Underscores Importance of Cloud Testing

Rackspace, said, “We wish our friends at AWS and all of their customers the best. Everyone suffers down-time and never at a good time.’”

In April of 2011, AWS suffered an outage in the same Northern Virginia data center that crippled a number of major websites, including Foursquare (News - Alert), Reddit, Quora, Hootsuite and Moby, TechZone reported.

In a nearly 6,000-word document, Amazon detailed the widely scrutinized outage that began just after midnight on April 21. The overly technical explanation boils down to the fact that a human error began a chain of events that is sure to cost Amazon dearly.

The outage initially occurred in the Virginia data center when an erroneous network configuration change was performed during an upgrade to the primary network. Instead of shifting traffic to the other router on the primary network, the traffic was moved onto the lower capacity redundant EBS network. This caused many of the servers to get “stuck,” as Amazon put it.

Edited by Rachel Ramsey
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