Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mobiltel Improves Marketing with Teradata Optimization Project

- Alert) Modeler first implements data mining workflow in an optimized analytical environment. It prepares the data and immediately cores it for easy reading. Prior to using this system, the same work was completed in a day, while Teradata makes it happen in minutes.

Hermann Wimmer of Teradata holds that the quicker model will help Mobiltel with a leading competitive advantage. "Teradata's experience with in-database mining and the success of the optimization project enables Mobiltel to generate maximum business value and perform successful CRM campaigns," he said in a press release.

Syilen Stovanov of Mobiltel agrees that it will cut time and cost. "The project allowed us to create a centralized environment for data mining and to minimize the operation efforts and cost as well,” he said. “The performance optimization and in-database solution accelerate the scoring of the business models. This optimized data analytics environment means the business units can react faster to competitive changes or new customer needs with more effective marketing."

The core of the optimization project was to introduce Teradata's flexible and scalable in-database optimized analytic environment for Mobiltel, and to share Teradata best practice knowledge on an optimized data mining process with IBM (News

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