Monday, May 28, 2012

KLIK by Review

by J Keirn-Swanson 0Comments

Offering only nine pre-set filters, no digital zoom, and two flash options (fully on or off), KLIK by is by no means a great camera. But what this social media camera app does offer is facial recognition software that learns and grows smarter with every use. And while it lacks fancy editing options, it does the job it sets out to do with remarkable skill.

KLIK requires a link to your Facebook profile to even work; after all, where is it going to learn what your friends look like? Piggybacking on Facebook for recognition and Foursquare for geotagging, KLIK is very content-aware. The home screen of the camera highlights nearby users, shows you photos your friends are taking, holds your gallery of snaps, and gives you access to settings.

Fluff is at a minimum in camera mode. Tap the shutter button to take a snap or tap the import button to access your camera roll. An on-screen Learn button helps you teach the camera better recognition of your friends, giving you a short list of names with a recognition percentage likelihood. Tap a name and the camera begins to learn.

It sounds good in theory, but does it work? Ultimately, so much depends upon your photos. With good lighting and a straightforward shot, the app performs astonishing well. Make a goofy face in the dim light of a club and mis-tags are sure to happen. Luckily, you can correct this by tapping the tag and choosing from a list of friends to help the app learn from its mistakes. And KLIK isn't stymied by multiple people in your photos -- it performs admirably even with a stacked scene.

The bottom line. KLIK isn't a feature-rich camera, but it effectively executes its unique on-the-fly tagging approach -- and it's a very good student.

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