Monday, September 17, 2012

Innovation in Business

- Alert) is now solely focused on services – its iconic ThinkPad is now made by Lenovo. When we think of the Internet, we think of Google, which has achieved its position by developing an unbeatable core proposition and not being afraid to experiment with related services.

This is where the trick to successful innovation lies. It is about understanding what makes your company successful in the first place, and maintaining that as a core focus. However, that must be accompanied by a company-wide understanding that just because a service or product is a core focus, it is not set in stone. If circumstances change, then the business should change with them. If there are alternatives or improvements they can be discussed, modelled and tested. A core product offering also means there are ways to add new complementary services. As a provider of e-commerce services, I am always looking for new ways to facilitate B2C and C2C payments, for example, or ways to help online retail customers expand their service into new territories.

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