Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Very Special E3 Win: A Game a Day from Feral Interactive

This week is E3 down in Los Angeles, where game companies show off upcoming titles and strut their stuff. We'll be there covering iOS and Mac gaming for you this week, but until the articles are up and ready for you to read, why not join us for a fun little contest we're doing? 

We've teamed up with Feral Interactive -- publishers of games like Rome Total War, Batman Arkham Asylum, and Dirt 2 for the Mac -- to give away five copies of five really fantastic games this week. All you have to do is leave a comment below with your favorite game published by Feral and you'll be entered in the drawing to win a copy of the game we're giving away for your Mac. We'll announce the winners at the end of the day here and on Facebook. 

Sound interested? Today we're giving away a copy of Dirt 2. Leave a comment below and we'll notify you by the end of the day via email if you've won. Stay tuned, and remember to follow us this week for E3 coverage!

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