Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Alcatel-Lucent Mitigates Risks Posed by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

- Alert) Protection Systems (IPS). Others leverage tools like Access Control Lists (ACLs) and remotely triggered black holing (RTBH). These methods have been known to block valid attempts to access resources, eliminating the cloud-based protection made available. Likewise, traditional device and tools can help DDoS attacks by creating choke points. As the white paper articulates, to meet the growing challenges of sophisticated DDoS attacks that can circumvent legacy protection schemes, Alcatel-Lucent partnered with Arbor Networks. Together they created a solution that integrates Arbor’s Peakflow service provider TMS software with the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR. The big payoff is that as an integrated solution, it detects potential security attacks, removing them before they have the opportunity to impact the carrier cloud network. Needless-to-say, this is the protection of the critical link in the emerging world of “E”verything as a service.

One step further

This solution takes protection one step further to ensure the 7750 SR does not create a bottleneck.  It only forwards suspect traffic to the MS-ISA TMS for the scrubbing process. After the application of a series of attack identification and mitigation techniques, clean packets emerge and are forwarded via the router to their original destination. The benefits of Alcatel-Lucent’s approach to DDoS, as compared with the traditional approach, include the:

Simplification of existing scrubbing center designs Ability to deploy the solution in a distributed model Ability to enable DDoS scrubbing across a wide range of verticals, customers and geographies Enabling of service providers to customize their deployment architectures to ensure optimal security.

Alcatel-Lucent’s Integrated DDoS Protection Solution is a good option for service providers considering Greenfield deployments and those using Arbor Networks for DDoS threat mitigation. Service providers offering cloud solutions can differentiate their existing VPN and business Internet offerings, while including the value-added protection necessary. As a result, provider assets are protected and customer confidence is retained over the long term.

Peace of mind is a difficult thing to achieve, and security still ranks as the number one concern of entities considering moving all or part of their business to cloud-based solutions. This puts a premium on carriers being able to vouch for the security of their services, especially from DDoS attacks. In fact, understanding of how your service provider mitigates such risk ought to be at the top of questions you ask. An argument can be made that the cloud is in some ways even more secure than legacy-based solutions, but this is definitely a case where you need to know before you go.

Edited by Peter Bernstein

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