Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What is Office 365 and what Makes SkyOffice a Better Alternative?

Office 365 from SherWeb Overview SkyOffice Plans SkyOffice vs Office 365 MIDAS Migration Large enterpriseSupport Customer Testimonials Dale Coffing"I wanted to get in touch since I am a new customer and I really haven't had the need to contact you. I started a little over 4 months ago and I just wanted to say everything works. You all are a great example of how a service should work in that it simply works and I never need contact you. I know that seems like "so what?" but for the excellent pricing that SherWeb offers I must say I was a little hesitant to use you at first. Since I use a Windows Mobile 6 phone it was important to me to have an Exchange 2007 server so that the awesome new and additional features would be available to me on my phone. Thanks for being so good that I never need to call yet I know you are only phone call away if needed." Tim Tucholka"I just signed up with your Exchange and BlackBerry service, and WOW am I impressed! It took me less than 20 minutes to sign up, set my mx records, sign in and activate my BlackBerry sync. You guys really have a slick system setup here! Thanks!!"

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